
Showing posts from April, 2019

Amazing Health Benefits of Apigenin

Apigenin has been under research on its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer. It is a flavonoid and just like other flavonoids, it has antioxidant, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory properties. The compound apigenin is found in large amounts in a wide range of herbs including lemons and red wine. There are certain supplements that you can expect to get a high amount of Apigenin There are a number of places that you can find extracts with apigenin. For example, you can purchase chamomile supplements online.  It is important that you know supplements with the highest concentrations of apigenin. Thyme and chamomile are considered to be the best.  Heath benefits of apigenin According to research done, apigenin has been proven to reduce the risk of cancer because if it`s anti-tumor properties. The compound reduces the risk of different types of cancers. This includes breast cancer, prostate cancer, and duodenum and stomach cancer.  The antioxidant properties ...

Advancing Eye Surgery with Hyaluronic Acid

The eyes are extremely complex objects within the human body, and therefore eye surgeries are very difficult to perform; hyaluronic acid helps to make the process a lot easier. Your eyes require a very specific set of circumstances to operate at optimal capacity. For example, they need to be lubricated all the time to be able to turn around quickly and efficiently. They also need to be filled with a liquid to maintain an optimal internal environment. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for a lot of this - without hyaluronic acid, everything starts to break down. Hyaluronic acid is the main lubricant and a very important component of the jelly-like substance within the eye. Due to its natural uses in maintaining proper eye functionality, HA is being used to improve eye surgery outcomes. The eyes contain even more hyaluronic acid than your joints, which signifies that the compound has a heavy role to play in their normal functioning. Experts have researched the effects of using a variety...